Thangka blessings to leave as comments etc

Here are some 100% FREE Thangka images you can use as greetings or "comment graphics".

Click the images to grab the code and post them in myspace comments etc.

All original art in these images is by Zotec - check out the rest of this site for more.

Image use permission - you ARE allowed to download and use these free images in profiles, comments, and social networking web pages etc but you are NOT permitted to sell them or include them in other image libraries. Thanks!

Vajrayogini Mandala
"Vajrayogini Mandala"
Click image to get code

White Tara
"White Tara"
Click image to get code

Akshobya Mandala
"Akshobya Mandala"
click image to get code

Avalokiteshvara Mandala
"Avalokiteshvara Mandala"
click image to get code

Click image to get code

Green Tara
"Green Tara"
click image to get code

Guru Rinpoche
"Guru Rinpoche"
Click image to get code

Medicine Buddha
"Medicine Buddha"
Click image to get code

Click image to get code